Saturday, March 12, 2011

Greek Isle Deli- A taste of the Mediterranean

            It was pointed out that so far, I've only reviewed Fast food joints, and cheap Pizzerias. To combat this, I decided to finally go to a Greek deli off of Airway Road, at the Manor Plaza in Dayton, Ohio. I had been putting off eating here because like most Americans if it isn’t heavily processed or deep fried I won't try it. However, it was lunch time and I felt I needed to grab a bite to eat, and it was close by so I figured why not.

            The place itself is rather spacious with plenty of seating and has Greek architecture scattered around, but it is also busy. My wait was only about 2 minutes long and the lady at the register was very helpful and patient with me in decided what to order. After I placed my order and got my drink it was about an 8 minute wait for my food so it must have been prepared fresh. I grabbed my dish and sat down to eat.

            I ordered a dish I knew I wasn't going to be familiar with and for that I am grateful as it led me to the dish known as Pastichio or Greek Lasagna. The dish contains ground beef, noodles, cheese, tomatoes, and as a treat, egg and cinnamon. This tasty dish also came with a side of pita bread which was delicious and salad, but that is aside from the point. I was hooked from the first bite, as Ken Griffey Jr. said “It's a party in my mouth and everyone is invited.”  The bulk of the meal is the beef and noodles that tasted great and were set off by the cinnamon giving it a nice kick. My only complaint about the dish is that the noodles were a tad overcooked and at parts made it hard to eat.

            I can see why this place is busy for lunch all the time, good food, good portions, good people, good prices, it makes you want to come back to try something else. If I have to give a rating, I’ll give it 4 out of 5 stars, but why 4 and not 5? I hate overcooked noodles.


  1. mmmmm.. sounds good to me!

    watery noodles are the worst for me!

  2. Sounds great. Except for the noodles, hate burnt noodles.

  3. Yeah agree with the other posts... Burnt noodles suck!

  4. Just reminded me that I haven't actually eaten today D=

    I wish that place was round the corner from me..... or next door....

  5. awesome post, next time take some pictures, pretty please!!

  6. I dont really like mediterranean food :(

  7. I've never had decent greek food before... then again i'm a spoiled asshole :/

  8. i dont know about that but im hungry now

  9. which would you have rather had...undercooked or overcooked noodles?

  10. new follower here,like your blog,dont like noodles tho :P

  11. Going to get some Greek food right now. You got me going :)

  12. Yummy! want to live there

  13. That sounds really good. We don't have much around here that offers that type of cuisine. Followed!

  14. thanks a lot, you made me hungry and its 4am in the morning here, hate you

  15. I'd like to try some greek food!

  16. Haven't had Mediterranean food for a while now.. Following btw.

  17. Being adventurous, especially with food is a good way to live :) but i hate it when it leads to over cooked noodles :(

  18. noodles are my favorite food
